Wednesday, August 31, 2016


10TH graders, these are some videos which can help you to make yours. You are going to find some strategies to make adds. Some of them were studied in class.

Let's watch tham...

Colombian food and around the world

9th graders, you watched some of the following videos. Here you can find more in order to have ideas for your own video.

Diagnostic survey

Dear students of 9-02, please click on the following link and answer the questions.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Music tastes!

Students of 9th grade were talking about their music tastes. Their family's music tastes made part of this oral presentation as well. Take a look!

Monday, August 8, 2016


Activity aboy healthy food with 9th graders

Finding the pairs...

Creating our healthy plate by playing


Last productions

July and August: Months to share students' productions

Playing "Clothes vocabulary" 

9th graders

Mingle "Music"
9th graders

Working in goups: ICFES TEST
11th graders

Full of E-mails

English posters in our school!

Ful Market "Palying with the numbers"
10th graders

Going to the walls: American contest
9th and 10th graders

Visit of TGC: Talking about Champeta

Moments with our fellow

Chamba-Q broadcasting station and its Mexican Guests
Spanish Project